Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The A-Team: Search for the Absconded Muffin

by Grace

"Alright, now you try - go on!-" Sarah waited in anticipation, her elbows resting on the counter.
Teal'c spoke with perfect pronunciation"I pity... the fool...?"
Sarah giggled slightly as she replied,"ok, now say 'foo' instead of fool," she recited the classic line with inflection as the bell above the door jangled. A gust of wind rolled along the tile floor as Grace stepped inside removing her scarf.
"You would think March would be colder- oh- good morning T-Man, that your ride outside?" her voice had a tinge of disappointment. After spotting the khaki Jeep beside theside entrance she had sped her stride in hopes of seeing Cam Mitchell. They had last spent time together when she dropped him off at the departure gate at the airport. He was leaving on special assignment to Iraq for 5 weeks, and though only one week had elapsed she still couldn't shake the feeling that part of her heart had drifted much further away than the Middle East. At first she thought that meant Cameron had been killed, but 3 days in he called her, the connection was terrible.
"It is the vehicle I am currently utilizing, but I do in fact drive it... do you need a ride?"
Teal'c's comment brought her back to earth-"Ha ha," she replied sarcastically "No, I don't need a ride, I just know someone else with a- nevermind. Don't you have to be at the museum by now?"
"I have not watched the clock, I apol- I....pity the foo'." He lowered his head slightly and Grace stifled her laughter until he made it out the door.
"Please tell me we aren't watching the A-Team for movie night- how did that conversation get started?"
"I called him 'Mr. T' by accident and he insisted that I teach him a line, that boy must definitely needs to learn some affect- did you get it?"
Grace opened the bag that she had hoisted on the black marble bar a moment ago. Reaching in, she pulled out a box wrapped picuresquely in brown paper and twine. At the top corner in small writing was Sarah's name, nearly obscured by the variety of air lift stickers slapped on every side.
“Of course, you would be the one to get a package from your swamped archeologist- I think our guys are getting rather attached…” Grace envisioned Cameron in a desert tent somewhere calling her on the phone with a smirk on his face. She began to unzip her coat as Sarah struggled with the package, eventually pulling Sarah’s keys from her own pocket to open her pocket knife and hand it to her with a sisterly look. The thick tape nearly obscured her name and it seemed sand was accumulating over the bar as each layer was torn off.
“Good night! Did he wrap it in a sandbox?” Grace laughed as Sarah finally got the last strand of packing tape out of the way.
Inside was the standard brown environmental wrapping material you’d see in any artifact packing crate- Sarah smiled “I feel like I’m going to find the chalice of Pharaoh or something!”
She slowly pealed back the first layer and saw something gold underneath- “What is this!”- her voice rippled with excitement.
She hefted from the box a large book with a cover ornately decorated in scrollwork and gold leafing. “Oh my... what is...” Her fingertips flowed over the raised impressions of hieroglyphs and she could almost feel the history contained there. The binding looked sturdy enough and after examining the spine she dared to open the cover. Of course the book cracked in protest, and she watched the pages slowly float back into place as she reached for them, looking for a title. Grace was curious, but spent her time digging deeper in the package looking for a note- there must be some kind of explanation. Her searching paid off as she found an white linen envelope with the word “instructions” written on it.
“Sarah- look at this-” she had to place it on the book to divert her attention.
“Instructions? Why would he write that?” Sarah grabbed it and opened it slowly- still imagining the fragile pages of the book open beneath her.
Inside were two pages, she sat down at a stool to read them, once and awhile glancing at the book. Grace wanted Sarah to read it out-loud but just as she thought to suggest it the buzzer rang from the kitchen and so decided to run back and check on the muffins baking in the oven. She took only a few minutes to place them on the cooling rack, then she heard a voice from the lobby-
“Hello? Is anyone there- ?” the female’s voice was raised with a slight accent.
As Grace walked back to the lobby she noticed a familiar face – Vala strummed her fingers on the countertop, noticed sand stuck to them and awkwardly brushed it off onto her cargo pants. She wore a lumpy knit hat over her ebony pigtailed hair, and upon seeing Grace she smiled and hopped up on a stool.
“Ooh, good- you’re here then, I was wondering if I could have that drink I tried out last time- something Ah-mart-e-o?” she stumbled over the last word.
Grace looked around for Sarah- the box, book, and letter had disappeared too- no doubt she had gone upstairs or something?
“What?” Vala looked self-conscious as Grace eyed the counter where the box had been- “Are you… alright?”
“Oh- what- yes, yes, I’m fine. Amaretto Macchiato is it-” she repeated the name sounding out the syllables again as Vala repeated them to herself in a whisper.
“ah-ma-re-toe mak-ee-ah-toe. Right, can I have two please?” she had a glint in her eye.
“Both barrels this morning? What’s the occasion?” Grace asked still wondering where Sarah had disappeared to so quickly.
“Looooong meeting ahead, you people love your lectures…” she sighed and spread her palms out on the marble counter and began stacking the sugar packets into a pillar.
“You people... who?” Grace couldn’t imagine what Vala meant and wondered if she should be offended.
“You, um- Americans” she let out a nervous giggle – “you love lectures!” she added gusto as she said the last word and quickly changed the subject. “So, did you watch LOST last night?”
“Oh no, I missed it! Oh well, I’ll just have to catch it online- don’t tell me what happened!” Grace shot a mockingly stern look Vala’s way “I’ve been following this show forever; I can’t believe its going to end.”
“What do you mean- how long have they been stranded on that island?” Vala was now curious about her
favorite new television program. Grace might have had no idea about Vala being from another galaxy, but she had noted the fake laughter at any general TV or movie quote. Because of this Grace often wondered if it was perhaps that Vala was not allowed to partake in this type of entertainment, strict upbringing perhaps…
“Hmm, let me see…” Grace added a bit of whip cream, a chocolate kiss (Vala’s favorite must-have for every drink), and plastic lid. “Originally they were on the first island for at least 2 seasons, the second island they’ve been on for maybe... 7?”
“The FIRST island?!” Vala reached for the drink while exclaiming. Grace grimaced at the volume, “sorry. Don’t know my own strength I guess”- Vala raised her eyebrows surprised, smelled her drink, and hopped off the stool walking backwards toward the door. “Well then, I’ll see you later – have a good day,
bye bye then,” she smiled broadly and Grace, noting the look, glanced down to the marble counter where she had sat the cooling muffins minutes before- one was missing.
“Bye Vala...” Grace conceded with a smile knowingly as the lumpy hat and leather jacket glided out the front door making the bell ring across the empty lobby. She smirked to herself a moment and then realized Sarah had not yet surfaced. “Sarah?” she called in the lobby, feeling it to be the most impotent search and rescue mission ever launched.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Out of Element...

By Sarah

Several weeks later:

“Sam, are you sure this is a good idea?” Daniel asked, all concern, “After all, you could have just had someone on the base check-it out?”
“No, I don’t think so Daniel-besides Dr. Lam isn’t there, and even if she was, I’m just not comfortable with news like this getting around-if there’s news, that is.”
“Aw come on Sam-Dr. Lam can’t breach patient-doctor confidentiality-well unless it’s a matter of national security.” Cameron said, flipping through a copy of “Woman’s Day.”
“No, but-have you seen that woman-she-just looks like she might hold it over me in case I contract a disease she doesn’t like.” Cameron snorted and turned a page.
“If Dr. Lam becomes uncooperative, I will speak with her.” Teal’c said solemnly behind his copy of Cosmopolitan.
“Er-thanks T, but I don’t think we should worry about it.” Sam looked positively alarmed at the thought of Teal’c having “talk” with 5 foot one Dr. Lam.
“Are you sure, I mean, maybe we should have let you just…” Cam trailed off as he watched another patient stagger woozily out of Dr. Kerrigan’s office.
“You’re the one who insisted we all come in the first place!” Daniel said pointedly.
“Sam’s under my command, I would be worried about anyone under my command who suddenly started displaying violent symptoms while under my command!”
“They weren’t that violent…” Sam said in a small voice.
“Oh no, I think I’d consider projectile vomiting pretty severe.” Daniel chimed in.
“You’re just mad because I ruined your shoes.”
“Well yes, but no. The fact is, we’re concerned about you-and want to make sure everything is-what you think it is.”
“Oh trust me, I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
“Are you sure?” Daniel asked again, “I mean are-the-ah” he motioned futilely for the appropriate word.
“Ahh-ah! Stop right there Jackson-We don’t need to know what the Colonel and…does in her spare time.”
“Like I’d tell you!”
“This matter is somewhat unclear to me, Samantha, why did you not ask Vala to accompany you in lieu of your husband? I was under the impression that this matter was normally kept between women.”
“Well yes-but, umm, not to be unkind, but there are some things I’d rather have my old-trusted friends on-not that I don’t trust Vala, I mean, well I don’t know if I should trust Vala, but-can you see her here?” The three guys contemplated the thought of Vala in the doctor’s office for the past forty minutes-it wasn’t pretty. “You guys did all have to come with me-“
“Samantha O’Neill?” A petite nurse in blue scrubs that reminded Sg-1 just the littlest bit of Janet Frasier appeared at the door.
“but I really appreciate it.”
“Good luck.” Cameron said. Teal’c nodded, and Daniel smiled reassuringly at her, “Hey at least you’re not on Abydos, I’m sure everything will be fine.”
“Back in a few.” Sam followed the waiting nurse through the door, leaving the guys alone with their “girly magazines.” A few moments passed in silence.
“So-do you think she is?” Cameron couldn’t hold back.
“It is, technically, possible.” Teal’c’s expression was unreadable.
“Well, I know technically, but…”
“Ah! I don’t want to even think about that!”
“Aw, come on Daniel, you mean to tell me you were on Sg-1 all those years and it never crossed your mind what could be going on a tent away?”
“AH! No! Besides they’d never break regulations.”
“You’ve got me there, that’s true-The General is too above board to compromise her, they both are.”
“Besides, I don’t even want to think about two of my best friends…ah!” Daniel made another face and Cameron chuckled. More silence. Some time later, the door finally opened to the waiting room and a young, blonde and enthusiastic doctor with “Dr. Heather Kerrigan” written on the tag pinned to her lab coat, a uncharacteristically shy Sam Carter followed her.
“So-umm, who’s the lucky father?” Dr. Kerrigan asked, her hand out.
“Congratulations! That’s great! Wow!” Daniel and Cameron jumped up and nearly smothered a now glowing Sam in hugs. Dr. Kerrigan, still without an answer stood to a side in confusion. The guys stopped at Sam’s cleared throat and turned to face her awkwardly.
“Ah, actually, the Father-my husband, Sam emphasized, “Is out of town on assignment, these are my good friends, they ah, offered to drive me over-for moral support.”
“You and General O’Neill will have beautiful children, indeed.” Teal’c said out of the silence.
“Thank you Teal’c!” Sam beamed at his sincere compliment. She took the packet of information that Dr. Kerrigan handed her on “new motherhood” (because even astrophysicists might have some questions.) and quickly paid the bill, three beaming “Uncles” escorting her out.
“So…when are you going to tell Jack?” Daniel smirked a little.
“Well, I was stumped for something for Christmas…looks like I found my present.”
“I’d say!” Cameron whistled.
“You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Well-Jack might have an apoplectic fit…” Daniel answered.
“He will recover.” Teal’c finished.
“Hey! You know what? We should go out- celebrate! What about O’Malley’s?”
“Oh, uh…we can’t.” Sam said.
“Oh geez! I totally forgot! No alcohol!”
“No actually…you did read that report, right?” Daniel said.
“Oh OH! Right….so what about the coffeehouse?”
“More caffeine…” Sam said sadly, thinking how many fun things she’d have to give up and wondered if chocolate was on that list.
“Actually, I think Sarah and Grace keep some herbal-caffiene free teas in stock.” Daniel spoke up. Mitchell grinned at the back of his head…trust the guy to work in a way to go “visiting” for some “friendly conversation.”
“Speaking of ‘the girls,’” Cameron took full advantage of the situation, “Did you hear they’re throwing some big New Year’s Bash? Grace left a message on my answering machine.”
“Yeah, mine too-I mean Sarah did.” Daniel answered.
“Yeah,” Sam chimed in-“They said maybe they could get Jack there-even without the promise of MEAT.”
“Big talk.” Cameron laughed.

(Formerly) Capt. Jack has a plan

By Sarah

“Okay, so maybe we’re in over our heads…” Sarah admitted and she stood in front the back-upstairs wall of the fire station-now coffee house. The whole surface was plastered from one end to the other with various posters the fireman had put up over the years in the ‘40’s and ’50 during their residence. And while by today’s standard they wouldn’t be considered “scandalous” the two girls didn’t exactly want their whole wall covered with 1940’s pinups. After some thought, the two realized that some of the vintage posters were worth quite a bit, but the trick was finding a way to peel them off the wall with limited damage-it appeared the firemen had used everything from wallpaper paste to tar to get them to stay.
“Ahh, we’ll be okay.” Grace replied from her spot on the opposite wall, where she was stripping layers of paint from on and around the window sill-“After all, it’s only after Halloween, once we get all this stuff cleared, we’ll have plenty of time. Plus technically, as the owners, we could just let the kids run the coffeehouse.”
“The kids? What are we, senior citizens?”
“Oh crap! Did I just say that?”
“Okay-the college students? That doesn’t sound much better, does it?”
“Not really-oh well, maybe I can do some age make-up and then we can get discounts at Wal-Mart…hey, maybe if I steam it off-“ Sarah ran downstairs to find the clothes steamer she’d shipped out west and stored in the garage of the firehouse. As she opened the garage door she spied the fire pole and grinned to herself, remembering the day that Cameron had talked Grace into letting him slide down it…that had been a sight to behold. Sarah was pretty sure it entered Grace’s thoughts plenty, after all, that had been the day of the infamous “first kiss”-even if it was only on the cheek. She found the steamer back in the corner and proceeded to drag it back upstairs, stopping several times to catch the falling nozzle and empty out the bewilderingly full bottle of water…she hadn’t shipped it that way, had she? How was that even possible? When she got back inside the coffeehouse she happily had to navigate through a busy room, with a line backed up nearly to the door- and it was only 10am.
“Hey, guys you need any help?” Sarah asked, stowing the steamer in a far corner and going over to her student workers.
“Yeah, actually, we’re kinda swamped here!” Olivia, a quiet, sweet-faced music major with dark cocoa colored curls replied gratefully. “Kyle is full up making cappuccinos over there.” She pointed to a short Korean guy with blue and green spiked hair and an anime tattoo peeking out from under the collar of his bowling shirt.
“Alright, hold up a sec.” Sarah slipped around the counter and tied on an apron, “Hey what can I get for you?” She asked the business man in the loud tie at the beginning of the line.
“Yeah, can I get a Grande Americano with a shot of vanilla?”
“Sure-anything else?” The guy shook his head and Sarah turned to make the drink, skillfully navigating around Olivia and Kyle with his multiple Cappuccinos.
“So guys, are you going to be in town for Christmas this year?” Sarah asked as she helped clear the rush.
“Yeah, actually my parents are going on a cruise for their 35th wedding anniversary, they got married on Christmas Eve-so we’re doing Christmas early this year.”
“Wow…a cruise-are your siblings jealous?” Sarah knew that Olivia had seven brothers and sisters-all younger than she.
“Yeah a little, but I think the fact that we’re all going to Grandma’s in Wisconsin is making up for it-we haven’t seen them for years!”
“That’s awesome! My grandparents were from Wisconsin too-in Monroe.”
“Really? My Grandma lives in Edgerton, on the lake.”
“No way! My aunt lives in Edgerton!”
“Cool.” Olivia smiled shyly and handed a middle-aged woman in a apple sweater her hot tea.
“What about you Kyle? Exciting plans? Going back to the “homeland”? Kyle laughed.
“Nah-I think Mom and Dad plan to stick around here-they’re on furlough ‘till spring.” Kyle was an MK from Seoul, South Korea-adopted, which immediately had put him in kinship with Sarah. He was a huge fan of punk music, Ska, and sported several awesome tattoos, which put him in immediate kinship with Grace.
“So you guys think you might wanna help us out at New Years?” I know everyone has plans, but we could use it-“
“What’s at New Years?” Kyle asked, and Sarah explained the whole death-defying plan to entertain at the coffeehouse.
“Who’s the band? Kyle wanted to know.
“I dunno, someone new called “Event Horizon” Grace says they’re good.
“Well then, they probably are.” Kyle grinned and polished off the last customer’s drink.
“Well hey guys, I’m gonna get back to trying to get these posters off the wall before I forget, now that the rush is gone.”
“Hey thanks for helping out!” Olivia called as Sarah started lugging her steamer upstairs.
Grace was on the phone when she finally made it up there-chatting away, her face animated in a wreath of smiles. She finished up the conversation while Sarah plugged in the steamer and went to work trying to disengage some of the cheaper posters from the wall.
“Guess who that was?” Grace said, snapped her phone shut.
“The president?” Sarah inspected a corner of poster, and noticing it seemed mostly unharmed, continued to peel.
“Yes, he wants his dog back.”
“No, that was none other than Brigadier General Jack O’Neill.”
“Really?” The girls had meat Jack, Sam’s often absent (and apparently newly wed) husband when he’d come to visit from Washington D.C. Apparently he’d worked with Sam, Daniel and their team for several years before “retiring” to D.C.-which also allowed him to finally marry Sam-a move that was apparently still kinda hush-hush. He’d been huge pain in the ass the whole visit- Grace and Sarah liked him a lot.
“Yeah, apparently he’s been calling around town-he’s got some big secret surprise for Sam this Christmas-he didn’t say what-but wanted to know if we’d be up for distracting her for several hours sometime around Christmas, here at the coffeehouse while he “completes his mission.” And apparently, he’s got some rather specific ideas on how to do that.”
“Oh? Do tell!”

Nostalgia and Sweet Potatoes

By Sarah

“Come on Jackson, it’s Christmas, you can’t tell me you don’t have at least one obsolete, completely cheesy, historically based, holiday tradition that your family practices?” Mitchell protested, working his way through the off-world terrain, which despite its alien origin looked suspiciously like Colorado Springs.
“Nope-I really don’t.” Daniel replied, in a good mood despite having A. trekked for several miles back towards the Stargate away from artifacts that turned out to be a dead end. 2. Spending that trek in squishy boots due to a minor mishap with bad directions and a sink-hole, and 3. Mitchell was edging perilously close to the touchy and painful subject of Daniel’s non-existent family life. Of course Mitchell really had no idea-at least, not a well-rounded idea. If Mitchell had a fault, it was that he was a bit gung-ho, and thorough. He’d read all of the Mission report files as soon as he’d had the clearance to-upon becoming the leader of Sg-1. And while he’d understood (and though he’d never personally discussed) the loss of Daniel’s wife Sha’re (and consequently his whole adopted family on Abydos), he had glossed over the section concerning Daniel’s earlier life-the part about his parents’ tragic death in a New York Museum and Daniel’s long history of foster homes and estranged relatives.
But on this particular day, the wounds were faded scars and Daniel was upbeat-squelching boots and all. The world didn’t currently seem to be under attack from any sort of “Supreme Evil Being” over-dressed or otherwise, his team-his family was around him, healthy and in good spirits, and for once in a very long time, he’d developed some semblance of a social life. Not that Daniel necessarily found this a vital part of his life-instead it’d sorta crept up on him as a welcome surprise.
Cameron, for his part, was already enthused about Christmas, and it was only late November. In fact he’d been majorly “bummed” about missing the Mitchell family Thanksgiving due to something-er-other on P2X446 (probably saving the world-again.) And his Mom had given him the enth degree about it.
“I don’t see why they can’t just reschedule, if it’s just a diplomatic mission?” His mother, Majorie Mitchell had complained over the phone-it’s not like you’re going to-Iraq-thank God!”
“Yeah, I know Mom-but I just can’t tell the General I’m skipping class-you know.”
“I know dear-I was going to make your favorite dish this year-“
“Well how ‘bout you just mail it here.”
“Cameron-I am not going to put five pounds of sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping in an Fed-EX box.”
“I was kidding Mom.”
“Oh, well just come home safe, you hear-and we’ll expect you in Chicago for Christmas!”
“I promise Mom.” Cam grinned to himself at the memory-and Sam Carter gave him a funny look.
“Oh, there’s this old joke my mom and I have-about mailing sweet potatoes.”
“What?” The rest of SG-1 stopped in their tracks.
“What would be the purpose of such an action be?” Teal’c asked.
“You’re asking him that?” Vala asked in disbelief, “Who can account for strange earth traditions?”
“Hey! Don’t knock my momma’s sweet potatoes!”
“I am so not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole.” Daniel threw up his hands, shared a smile with Sam and promptly fell in another sinkhole.
“Don’t look at me!” Mitchell said, looking down at him, “You said it.”

Christmas with Daniel, Cameron, and a whole lotta Logan Girls

By Sarah

“Hey so…I just had this brilliant, amazing idea!” Sarah said as she walked into the shop around 10ish that morning. Ever since Anna had joined them full time in the mornings, Sarah and Grace had started to adjust their schedules, and take advantage of the later hours at the coffee shop they hardly got to see. Sarah had just spent a couple hours running errands before she’d strolled into work, her arms loaded down with random and sundry supplies, like fresh fruit and nuts for the counter, unburned candles, and some new-used books from a used bookstore at the other end of town. Grace said she wasn’t planning on coming in ‘till noon, but Sarah had seen her (insert cool car here) sitting outside the shop and figured she’d found something other than sleeping to occupy her time.
“Have you? And what might that be?” Grace was sitting at one of the low coffee tables across from the counter, a gigantic calendar spread out before her.
“Yes-wait, what are you doing?”
“I got a call this morning from a band who wanted to come play a Christmas concert, so I said I’d come in and check the schedule.”
“Oh yeah?” Sarah put the bags down and sat on the opposite couch. “Who’s the band?”
“Some new guys- they’re called “Event Horizon” they actually sound pretty funny-kinda like…I dunno Relient K meets the Beatles…only not.”
“Really? Cool-so are we going to book them?”
“I don’t see why not-their lead singer’s going to send over a Demo just in case-since it would be a headliner-whole concert thing. And then I got to thinking…”
“Wait-you said you were thinking-what were you thinking?”
“Oh-well I was thinking that since we’ve got this swell place and two lovely apartments of our own-that we could…I dunno…have the Logan Girls to Colorado for Christmas-New Years this year?”
“No, I mean-that’s exactly what I was thinking!”
“Shut-up, really?”
“YES!” Behind them, Anna shook her head, it was certifiable-she worked for crazy people.
“So-what, how, what were you thinking?” Sarah asked.
“Well I was thinking that since, well aforementioned things-and we’ve got this great place, and all the extra space in the bunkhouse upstairs that we haven’t done anything with-well, wouldn’t it be fun to have the girls over and all bunk in here for the weekend?”
“Oh, oh OH! That’s brilliant! I TOTALLY didn’t think of that!” Sarah jumped up and started pacing. “We could So totally do that! We could all bunk down on the floor and hang out here all night and it’d be great-although how are going to convince everyone to come out here-you know it’s kinda late notice-plus everyone’s everywhere!”
“Well, I considered that. You know Tamra will be the shoo-in though?”
“All this snow…someone’s going to want to go skiing.”
“Which is fine by me…as long as she’s not getting me in a parka, we’re good.” Sarah replied with a grin. “But me thinks you’ve got something else up your sleeve. What is it?”
“Well…it’s this concert.”
“And well, I was thinking, with the guys returning from their trip with the team just around Christmas…”
“Oh my, I think I see where you’re going with this-you realize we’d be pretty much nuts, right?”
“Well of course-but it’s never much fun if we aren’t.”
“Well…I did recall Sam mentioning that Jack was coming back into town right before Christmas-and I know we’ve been looking for a good excuse to get him to visit-short of bribing him with MEAT.”
“Very true. And you know the girls have been collective on our cases about meeting these new “mystery guys”.
“Which would solve the problem.”
“Plus-a big concert-open mike night at Christmas would be great promotion for the shop-“
“Not to mention very festive.”
“So…who are we calling first?”

Several hours and several shots of espresso later, Sarah and Grace were holed up in opposite corners of the coffee shop, glued to their cell phones. Anna had not only been graciously accepting in their massive-almost-liked-to-kill-ya holiday idea, but totally “pumped” as well. (Anna had discovered the joy of 80’s-90’s slang at a recent viewing of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Grace’s digs with Sarah and “Mr. T”.) They’d have to find some more help, but Anna already had a list of fellow undergrad and grad students who’d asked for an “in” after hearing Anna go on about her amazing play of employ. So apparently-that particular hurdle was going be rather small to jump. At this, Grace and Sarah had split their call list down the middle-Grace, taking her trim black leather date book had sat back at the coffee table with the calendar to call Tamra, Becca, Stacey-Ann, the guys in the band, and leave a message on Cameron’s phone. Sarah scribbled down some pertinent dates and left for her favorite overly squashed chair in bright electric blue and lime green flowers to get a hold of Beth, Erin, Lavonna, Sam (to leave a message asking when “the hubby” was coming back from Washington) and leave a message on Daniel’s phone.
“Tamra, how’s it going?” Grace smiled as the upbeat tones of her red-headed friend floated over the line. “Really? That’s great!” Grace listened a few minutes more while Tamra caught her up on life in Chicago and her new solo album that was due out-conveniently at Christmas. “So listen, Sarah and I were talking this morning and we had this…idea…”
“Yes Beth, it really is me…no I’m not going to pass you off this time-at least not yet…”
“Yes, I believe it is planning to snow.” Sarah and Grace grinned at each other’s conversations as they passed ways across the shop.
“Stacey-Ann! It’s wonderful to hear your voice…what was that? The line’s gone all fuzzy…”
“Yo, E! So we’re doing Christmas in Colorado-you need to buy a plane ticket...”
“No I haven’t asked him the ten fundamental questions of a relationship yet, I didn’t take marriage and family class, Becca…and I highly doubt Cameron has either, although you never know with the Air force...”
“You’re WHAT???” Grace stopped and about-faced as Sarah squealed and bounced up from her perch on her chair.
“Whoa, whoa, hold on a second, Becca.” Grace put her hand over the phone and hurried over to Sarah “WHAT?” She hissed in stage whisper, “Is that who I think it is, with the news I think it is!?” Sarah put her phone down,
“YES!” She hissed back in an equally bad stage whisper. “Hold on a sec-who are you on the phone with?”
“Hold on a sec.-Lovie, it’s Sarah again-Grace has Becca on the phone-can she tell her?” Lovie’s sweet, yet muffled voice came back affirmative and Sarah nodded vigorously at Grace.
“BECCA. You will never guess what I just found out.” Grace could barely contain herself.
“What?” Becca had been trying in vain to decipher the conversation on the other end.
“Oh my gosh! That’s fantastic! Let me talk to her…oh wait, she’s not there? Oh, Oh…I see..” Sarah grinned and walked away so the four of them could finish their conversations with some semblance of coherency. Sometime later they finally got their “business calls down and then it was just down to the guys. Grace and Sarah paused, phones at the ready and gave each other a mutual look of anticipation and terror.
“It’s just a call, right?” Sarah looked hopeful.
“Of course. Wait, what are you worried about? This is the guy who you conned into playing reverse strip-poker because he was so eager too…ahem…!”
“Me? You’re the one who was making out in a hospital bed!” Sarah whispered the last bit as a customer walked by on his way towards the counter.
“Right! You’re right…this is nothing to be worried about.”
“They’re not even going to be home.”
“Right…they said they’d be…where ever it was that they were going to be-which they never can tell us…for quite a while, right?”
“It’s not like they’re going to come back just to answer the phone.”
“Right.” They about-faced like two duelers and simultaneously hit the “call” button.
“Er-Hi you’ve reached Dr. Daniel Jackson-I’m probably out of town so, er if this is an emergency please try the following number 260-555-7623.”
“He-ey, This is Cam-I’m busy taking down the bad guys, so leave me a message!”
“Hey Daniel, This is Sarah…”
“Cam-nice message,” Grace snickered, “So…this is Grace,”
“I know you’re not here, but I thought-well Grace and I were talking and we had this great idea…”
“Yeah-so I know you’re not here-there, but I thought your voicemail might get lonely while you’re gone-“fighting the bad guys.”
“We were thinking of having a little-erm thingy here at the coffeehouse this Christmas…
“We’ve got this rockin’ party planned-you should come…”
“We’re even having some of our friends we keep talking about in town­ --”
“We’ve got this band-”
“I just thought it might be a nice change, do something fun around the holidays, I dunno-“
“Basically we’re roping you guys into being our gophers-just think of all the fun you can have decorating!”
“Well’s it’s just an idea-it’s over New Years”
“I’ll call later with more details.”
“Well, see you later!” A pause and then, “I really…ah, miss you-“
“Please come home safe…”
“Bye.” They hung up with a click and collapsed with twin sighs of relief into opposite chairs.
“Wow-if you guys keep this up, I’m going to need IV drips they next time these guys come in for coffee just to keep you upright.” Anna stood arms akimbo, shaking her head. “You guys need coffee?”
“Here.” Anna walked back over with their over-sized steaming mugs. “You guys really got it bad, don’t you?”
“What?” Sarah asked, as Grace sputtered over her swallow of coffee.
“Oh come on-like I haven’t been a fly on the wall for every flirtatious slap, every longing look across the crowded room-not to mention the drinking contests, the needless “car check-ups” and the very heated games of catch phrase?”
“Okay-true-fine.” The girls chorused.
“I gotta admit, neither one are really my type…okay not even remotely my type, but I can see the appeal-Bogart, James Dean, and the dual sides of Indiana Jones.”
“Ah…” Both girls nodded in agreement, their last memories of their respective guys coming to their mind’s eye.
“So, what’ the deal-is it serious? And if so, have they told what they do in that mountain all day long?”

Tea for Two, Two for Tango

By Grace:

The blowing and drifting snow had blocked every road in the upper mountain area; but down in the parking lot of the coffeehouse the spaces were unbelievably clear. Grace and Sarah sat with their noses pressed against the window watching the snow plow recklessly speed across the small lot.
“I know it’s going to happen- one of these times-he’s gonna spin outta control and we’re the ones who have to call 911.”
“But have must have been doing this for at least 20 years.” Sarah answered. Grace averted her gaze to Sarah whom met it and with significant distain-
“Are you watching the same sideshow I am watching?!” Grace leaned back from the window sill “Sorry, watching someone’s unfortunate death before breakfast is where I draw the line. I have to start the house coffees anyway. Man my back is killing me.” She muttered to herself as she stood. Oblivious to Grace’s comment, Sarah rose from where she was sitting to wipe off the last table from their impromptu dinner last night, wishing she would cleaned it up the night before. The red wax pooled on the table was much more difficult to clean at this early hour, but the experience of putting it there was well worth it. After some strange noises from the kitchen Grace finally emerged with two carafes of house coffee in each hand. She set them on the bar, Sarah came over to critique the day’s choices. In a row there was Malibu Hazel-Coconut, Jamaican Sunshine, Hot2 Chocolate, and Tropical Dark Roast.
“Well I can certainly tell what you’re thinking about,” Sarah winked blatantly. Just before Grace could come back with a witty retort the bell on the door jingled. The two didn’t have to turn around, in unison they said:"Morning T.”

In a black leather jacket, the tall and muscular Teal’c walked purposefully into the lobby. (His presence would never go unnoticed in any room.) He walked to the counter, bowed his head slightly while saying “Good Morning.”
“Well you certainly don’t seem bothered by ten inches, do you?” Grace replied, while tamping down espresso for his quadruple shot Venti Red Eye.
“Where I am from severe weather is in fact quite commonplace, Grace Hetrick.”
“Well then,” Grace’s eyebrows became exaggerated with expression, “you must indeed hail from a land filled with abominable snowmen, Burl Ives.” Teal’c tilted his head much akin to a puppy who’s lost his way, yet in an distinct deep un-puppy like voice he replied
“Ives?” Grace nearly dropped the filter basket of grounds as she swirled around-
“You’ve got to be kidding. All of this movie education and we have neglected to share Rudolph with you!?”

Teal’c who was by now absent-mindedly sniffing a piece of biscotti set it down and asked, “Who is this Rudolph? Is he a person?”
“Oh no, he’s actually a fictional character played by a have see the movie. What are you doing Saturday night?” Teal’c was making progress with the biscotti, if progress means a pile of crumbs in a pyramid on the counter which he overtly tried to cover up when he noticed Grace staring. Grace’s eyes slowly rose to meet Teal’c’s she didn’t even want to imagine the mess he’d pushed onto the floor to save himself embarrassment. She repeated, “Saturday? Are you free?”
“I will inform you tomorrow.”
“A dusting would greatly please me.” Grace winked,
“Anything for you, T-Man.” Teal’c rose from his bar stool as Grace called to the kitchen where Sarah was pulling hot scones from the oven-
“T-man is leaving the building.”
“Coming!” Sarah said, followed by footsteps running to the lobby. Without breaking stride she ran directly at the coffee bar, using the footstool for leverage she vaulted up on top of the counter with a bag of hot scones in her hand. She leaned forward as Teal’c made the three steps to her, grabbing the scones and leaning forward for the obligatory kiss on the cheek. Grace replied,
“See you Tomorrow!” The door jangled again leaving the lobby empty. The snow plow careened past the double doors, Grace curiously leaned forward listening for the sound of a crash. Disappointed again, she eased back over the bar, making a hissing sound with her teeth as her still sore back objected the movement. Sarah looked over as she hopped off the counter,
“Okay, I gotta ask.” Establishing a severe mother like posture, “Young Lady, what have you been doing? And have you been using protection?” Grace aghast, threw the towel on counter directly at Sarah’s face.
“Oh Stop! I was going to tell you.”
“Well I should hope so! We’re kinda partners in crime, you know.” Grace leaned back on the counter.
“So I went to see Cameron in the hospital last night, and CSI came on. And you know how he has watch it. So I decided to stick around and keep him company. So we’re sitting there, watching the show-“
“You’re both sitting there? Shouldn’t he be in a bed or something? I mean he did break his leg!”
“Well...I was sitting with him in the bed-no funny business, I swear! But it was rather cozy and so...we were...kissing-“
“Oh you were making out in bed-“
“No, that sounds terrible! We were just being friendly, and the door was kinda closed-well it was a commercial break-so we weren’t really watching the tv-“
“Do you even remember the show was about?”
“And the nurse came in and kinda startled us-and I...fell outta the bed.” Grace’s face flushed red while she shared in a laugh with Sarah, “And I do remember what the show was about, for your information! Don’t tell me that you’ve never caught up in the moment. Do I need to remind of last night?”
“In my defense Cameron was on the phone double dog-daring me! And Daniel was giving me that look-you know how I get with that look.”
“You two are quite the pair, I never thought that of using the wax to put out the fire.” Sarah reflected,
“Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t have thought of it, but I guess when you're friends with Cameron, you really do have to learn some basic safety measures.” Grace and Sarah laughed.
“So you never did tell me what happened after I left.” Grace said, raising one eyebrow suggestively. “I should have started asking when I found the empty wine bottle in the trash bin this morning. But I was just waiting to see if your guilty conscience would give you away.” Grace began to walk across the lobby towards the circle of tables, iron in hand.
“I’m listening.” Echoed across the suddenly vast expanse of the lobby, even the hardwood was all ears. Sarah reluctantly began,
“After you left we enjoyed the rest of the dinner, Mario and his brother left around...9ish?- so Daniel and I were alone and started talking about his recent trip to Manchester, actually we were having a long discussion about Camelot, some of his theories are kinda “out there” but he definitely has a right to his opinions, I guess. So then of course we were talking about King Arthur and the sword in the stone and then somehow we of course got to Spamalot.” Grace giggled as she peeled the last layer of wax off the table. Sarah continued, “Did you know he has met Eric Idle? He said it was at a fancy benefit party for huge fundraiser- Anyway... so then we were talking about these Monty Python Skits and of course the general difference between English and American Comedy when somehow he randomly remembered this English drinking game.” Grace was striding across the lobby at the point when she stopped dead in her tracks.
“You didn’t!” She exclaimed. Sarah laughed.
“You’re right-I didn’t. I don’t think Daniel can hold his liquor very well either-maybe that’s one thing we have in common. He made it through 2/3rds of the bottle explaining the game, before he let me join in, it was actually a great time because the explanation continued to get more animated as time went on.” Grace finished crossing the lobby, shaking her head the whole way,
“So, I know…not a pretty sight. By the end he finally explained that the elaborate point system eventually represented how many of articles of clothing the loser has to remove from the winner.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“I think the wine kinda made him improvise the last bit. So since he had something else in mind, I agreed to a game of reverse strip poker-he was too drunk to realize what that meant. And at that point-I didn’t care, I just wish we had security cameras.”
“So did you just send him home in a cab?”
“Well…” before Sarah could finish there was a loud clamoring of pots and pans from the kitchen, and a misty-eyed Daniel Jackson stumbled out holding a colander in one hand and balancing one pot on top of the other with his other hand. His general appearance looked sleepy. His button-down shirt so nicely pressed the night before was now wrinkled and half-untucked, exposing an open fly. His shaggy brown hair was completely flat on side, Grace noted they really should put a mirror at point between the guest and the kitchen. Reveling in the embarrassment, Grace took a step back, threw a towel over her arm and looked at Daniel while shaking her head slowly.
“My, my, my is this Daniel I see before me?” Sarah poured a Daniel a cup of coffee and walked it over to him, asking,
“You want an aspirin?”

As if searching for the right word Daniel slowly opened his mouth, closed it again, open and closed it a second time and finally said-
“Were we playing poker last night, and is it Tuesday?” Grace put a hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter, turned back to the counter purposefully, allowing Sarah to lead Daniel to a place where he could sit down and compose himself. After Sarah explained the events of the previous evening, Daniel smiled, blushed and laughed at the same time, but never said anything about regretting it. He did apologize about withholding the all rules of the drinking game and said it certainly helped him overcome his nervousness before. But maybe it was a different wine that time...

"At least it’s not Tuesday. This would have been interesting to explain to Landry. Let just say, he’s not as laid back as our previous boss. So again, I’m sorry.”
“You are going to have a great time recounting these events for Cameron, he told me that you will visit him today. Cameron is definitely missed out.” Grace said.

Sarah looked towards where Grace was standing, “Some of us have had escapades of our very own. Some of us have no room to talk.” Sarah smiled broadly. She turned to Daniel and replied “You’re going to love this.” As she proceeded to tell him about Grace’s eventful hospital visit.
As the morning wore on, Daniel showered and was finally ready to leave. As he was finally ready to leave, Sarah brought down two of the books from their last exchange which she had finished and they sat down on the corner sofa for a few minutes. By this time, Anna was hard at work finishing up the walnut supreme cookies. on her now baby blue frosted hair now tied back into a ponytail.
“I just finished the last chapter in this one two nights ago. But I would like to re-read it sometime. We’ve been really busy getting ready for when Grace is leaving next week so I haven’t had time.” Daniel’s hand reached over and rested on Sarah’s which lay on top of the open text. Sarah’s back was to the window, the warm Colorado sunshine fought to heat the room. Sarah sweat under the rays of it, but could not take her eyes away from how the light played in Daniel’s eyes and highlights of his hair. The one thing she knew was different about Daniel was the honesty and intensity behind his eyes.
“You know you could have asked to keep it longer. I should be seeing you again soon, actually I was wondering what you would be doing tonight?” Daniel quickly added, “No wine this time, I really am sorry.” Sarah placed her other hand on top Daniel’s and in a comic way replied
“We all have our moments.” Her voice taking a serious tone, she added, in a lower voice-
“I am free tonight.” She leaned in a bit closer and as Daniel rose to leave their hands remained together, and walking hand in hand toward the door, then inspired, said: “We should go dancing.”

Sarah squeezed his hand and said, “I would love that.”
Suddenly he took a giant step back and tugged with his arm, Sarah accepting the cue curled into his embrace, where he unexpectedly improvised a dip. Sarah smiled broadly at the lightness of his touch and then found that she was balanced by his strong hands resting in the small of her back. She waited to come out of the dip when she became lost in his eyes again, Daniel leaned in, tentatively kissed her on the lips and then as their lips broke away, his forehead met hers and he whispered,“I’m sorry, I should have asked.”
Barely audible, Sarah whispered, “I would have said yes.”
They broke apart and Sarah stood upright in front of him, his hands rested on her upper arms and he said,
“Can I try that again?” Sarah said,
“By all means.” As they locked in a kiss, Daniel’s hands trailed slowly along her jaw line vanishing into the dark curls around her face. For a split second, Grace walked out of the kitchen, spied the scene, turned on her heel and went back to distract Anna. As the front door closed, Daniel looked back at Sarah and saying,
“See you tonight- wear your dancing shoes.” As he drove away, she floated back through the kitchen where a patient Grace and Anna awaited the entire story in minute detail. As Sarah entered the kitchen Grace grabbed Anna by waist dramatically and said,
“Tango?” and the two of them made exaggerated steps across the floor ending with a dip which landed Anna on the floor. Completely taking Sarah’s mind off of what on earth she would wear that evening.

A Slight Mechanical Problem

By Sarah

It had been, an un-deniably sucky day, Grace thought she sorted through the last of the receipts in the office. It was only the waning hours of 4: 30, the late fall of Colorado slanting warm sun across their hardwood floors, but it did little to appease her current state of mind. Had Sarah not been otherwise occupied, Grace might have sweet-talked the paperwork off on her, but her partner in crime was still on her way back from the shipyard, with several dozen boxes of her precious make-up supplies.
It hadn’t meant to start out as a bad day. Really. It had been a beautiful autumn morning, and Grace loved fall, all it’s vibrant colors coming out around her like a symphony. But no one can account for the stupidity that is corporate bureaucracy. Grace had been working for weeks on a proposal for a production of her own, and after the success of the previous opener by Marlee Matlin, she figured she had more than a shot-after all, hadn’t she set up the whole problem herself? What she got was “I think we’re looking for something with a little more pizzaz-it’s just, too artsy and moralistic for us.”
“You Mean too intelligent and quality?” Grace had wanted to say, and the thought of it made her shut the cash register with extra vigor. That had been several hours ago, and Grace for once, was glad she’d decided to take the conference via phone and not webcam. It allowed for all sorts of catharsis via facial expression if no one on the other end was watching you.
The whole day had been weird, Grace admitted. They’d decided to close a little early-and on a Saturday, no less. Most of the college kids were out of town on fall break and business was a bit slower than usual. Plus, both of them had just felt plain lazy. Amid Grace’s musings the shop phone rang, making her jump in surprise.
“Hey you!” Sarah’s cheery voice came over the line.
“Whoa, okay definite dearth of enthusiasm. What happened?” Sarah knew immediately the news from the board hadn’t been to Grace’s liking.
“They...morons! They want more...”pizzaz” can you believe it?” Grace spat out.
“Are you kidding me? That’s ridiculous! What unimaginative cretins!”
“I know, don’t get me started, I can tell you when you get there-where are you anyways? “
”That’s just it, I’m on my way in-but I think I’m going to need help-there were more boxes than...I remembered.”
“Than you remembered?” That got a laugh out of Grace, “weren’t you the one who packed them?”
“Errrr, possibly. It’s been a while.”
“Sure...Well I’m sure we’ll get it figured out. How long do you think you’ll be?”
“Oh, like fifteen minutes or so?”
“Ok, see you then.” Grace hung up and mentally added another fifteen minutes to Sarah’s time. It had been decades and the girl still claimed to be on “Latin Time” (and she was from Asia!)
Roughly thirty minutes later Grace heard a vehicle pull up front. It didn’t sound big enough to Grace’s VW Van Sarah’d borrowed, and Grace sincerely hoped that were it a patron that they could read the sign and leave well enough alone. She ventured down the stairs and towards the front regardless, curiosity and a need to stretch her legs getting the better of her.
She was richly re-warded with the sight of (by now) two very familiar figures coming towards determinedly towards her front door despite the “CLOSED” notice.
“We know you’re in there!” Cameron Mitchell yelled and pounded the door in mock anger. “We want our coffee, let us in!”
“I’m waiting for you to break that.” Grace heard Daniel say-muffled on the other side of the glass.
“What are you guys doing here?” Grace asked, laughing. They were, after all, their morning regulars.
“Hey, can’t a guy change his schedule to see a pretty girl?” Cameron asked, all charm as Grace let them in.
“Yes, Sometimes they let us out to play during the daylight hours.” Daniel added, deadpan, and Grace snorted.
“Yeah, so, what’s with this?” Cameron flicked at the paper announcing their closing in interest.
“Oh, well it’s been a ...long strange trip.” Grace finished, and Cameron smiled in appreciation for her humor. “I had a long conference this morning for a theatrical script proposal, which went...well.” She made a face.
“Hey, isn’t that the one you were telling me about?” And despite the unpleasant reminder of that morning, Grace was pleased that Cameron had remembered the little snippet of conversation from several mornings ago.
“Yeah, it was-they wanted more...pizzaz.”
“Losers.” Cameron said succinctly
“Pretty much.” Grace agreed, becoming even more cheered the longer he was there. “And then Sarah had to get up at the crack of dawn to go fetch a shipment of her make-up supplies that were coming in from across the country-she took my Van...”
“Oh-I wondered where she was.” Daniel said, failing any attempt at subtly. Grace and Cameron shared a smirk before Grace answered. “Yeah, she just called and said she should be here in couple of minutes, but...”
“Your partner in crime not exactly know for her punctuality?” Cameron asked.
“Not exactly. So,” Grace craned her neck around to the front window where she could see a corner of their vehicle- “What made all the noise?”
“Oh-that?” Cameron attempted to sound casual, but it was obvious he’d been waiting for her to ask since they’d come in the door. “That’s just Lola, I got her back from the shop today.”
“Lola? I had a car named Lola once.” Grace showed a wry grin. “Woman of mystery...of bad mysteries.”
“Well, I can assure you that all my Lola’s mysteries are very good ones indeed.”
“I certainly hope so.” Grace was about to pose a borderline suggestive reply when the unmistakable sound of Sarah butchering Grace’s clutch came through the now open doorway.
“Shite.” They heard her mutter under her breath as she jumped down and hurried around the side of van to peer at something under the underbelly of the vehicle.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound good.” Grace said while Daniel chuckled behind her. The three of them hurried out the front sidewalk where Sarah soon spotted them and tried too act like nothing was too much the wrong.
“You Killed it!” Grace exclaimed, and the guys couldn’t help but laugh as Sarah’s face cycled a myriad of reactions until she comprehended that Grace was kidding.
“Only a little bit!” She protested a bit feebly and handed the keys back to Grace. It was acting up the whole way back, I had to stop twice because there was this strange clickey noise coming into town.”
“And you didn’t call?” Cameron and Grace exclaimed together.
“Nevermind, I’m sure it’s fine, we’ll just take a look in a minute, let’s get you unloaded. You want to take this all to the apt?”
“Sure.” Grace climbed in the drivers seat and promptly failed to start the engine.
“Okay-maybe not.” Cameron said after several false starts and waited till Grace shut off the engine to pull up the hood.
“Well, I guess I can sort some of this in the shop...” Sarah trailed off dubiously, looking at the open back doors of the van.
“Can I help you?” Daniel appeared by her side.
“Oh gosh-Hi! I’m so sorry I didn’t even say hi to you guys, I was so preoccupied-how are you? Wait-what are you doing here at this time of the afternoon?”
“What a guy can’t change his schedule?” Daniel said, amused at her nervous babble.
“No.” Sarah retorted good-natured-ly.
“Maybe I just wanted to see you again.” Daniel remarked leaning against one of the van doors and looking her straight in the eyes. Sarah fish-mouthed at the direct honesty of his statement and the kiss on the forehead sprang unbidden to her mind.
“Umm, er, oh.” She fumbled for something intelligent in her repertoire and found squat.
“Here, let me get that.” Daniel seemed amused at her flustered state and took the crate from her hands. “It’s heavy.”
“They’re all heavy.” Sarah called half-heartedly to his retreating back.
“No, no, no!” We can deal with this later.” Grace said firmly, pulling down the hood on the van and narrowly missing Cam’s fingers. He gave her a mock glare. “You brought me out to see “the wheels” and I want to see them.”
“Alright. But we’re fixing this beauty up later.” Cameron seemed intent on making sure he had a hand in the repairs.
“Promise. Now?” She waved over to where Cameron’s car sat gleaming in the sun. Grace had been sneaking covetous glances at it since they’d come outside, but now took the time to fully appreciate the beauty of Cam’s fully restored silver and chrome (insert year here) Mustang Convertible. It was, of course going to be completely impractical to drive in a couple weeks, with the Colorado winters always arriving early, but Grace had a feeling that wasn’t of much import to the good Colonel at the moment.
“Beautiful.” She couldn’t help but gush a little at let her fingertips hover just along its surface, watching Mitchell to see if he was going to fuss about her botching his wax job. He said nothing, however; but watched her with a sort of satisfied envy as though her reverence for his vehcile extended to him.
“Well?” Grace said after a moment of opening doors and inspecting hubcaps, while Mitchell spouted a lot of stats at her.
“Well what?” Cameron looked confused-what more did the girl want?
“Aren’t you going to take me for a drive?” Grace raised an eyebrow.
“Oh well yeah, doy! But don’t you want to let Sarah know you’re deserting her in the middle unpacking with a busted vehicle first?” Cameron smirked.
“Oh...I think she’ll be fine.” Grace said after watching Sarah flirt outrageously, carrying heavy boxes no less, for a few moments. “But I’ll give her a heads up anyways. Oi! S! Cam’s going to take me for a spin in -Lola.”
“Er...okay.” Sarah yelled back, confused at first at the strange name and then catching on- deciding that while she might ordinarily be jealous of Grace getting to ride in all that muscle, she had an very attentive archaeologist carrying her boxes inside. “Have her back before midnight young man.” Daniel said with believable authority, and Sarah snickered.
“This is the life, huh?” Cam yelled as they sped around the winding Colorado roads, the late-afternoon sun on their backs, wind in their hair.
“Oh, yeah!” Grace yelled back, brushing her hair away from her mouth. Despite the tangles she felt a bit like Grace Kelly speeding along to a posh resort in the Hamptons. Yeah, a girl could get used to this.
“So, what made you come to Colorado?” Cam asked as they slowed to a leisurely cruise along a blazing autumn back road.
“Oh, a little bit of everything-work, friends, it just...captured me, I guess.” Is that too cheesy?”
“Nah.” Cameron said comfortably and stretched his arm along the back of the seat till his fingers brushed her hair. “I came for work-although-I gotta admit, it’s a hella better than some god-forsaken desert, you know?”
“So true.” There was a brief pause while they both took in the rich layered scent of fall. “You really love your job, don’t you Cam?” Grace asked. She and Sarah had been no ends to curious about what their two favorite customers really did up in that mountain-but one thing was clear-it certainly wasn’t pulling teeth getting them to work in the morning.
“I really do.” Cameron emphasized, obviously have actually considered this for a moment. It’s not just about, you know “saving the world-well all that playing solider” stuff, it’s-like well did you ever feel like you were meant for something better? Something truly amazing?”
“Yes.” Grace said simply after a moment, “Every day.”
“Exactly.” Cameron was un-characteristically still, just smiling at her-and then he pulled the gear into higher gear. “Come-on, I wanna show you something.” He proceeded to drive to the top of a bluff overlooking the valley below and Grace allowed herself a smirk. As beautiful as it was, it did put her in mind of “Make-out Spot”
“Wow. I wish I had my camera!” Grace exclaimed as the sun began to set over the town.
“Next time, I can’t remember everything, you know.”
“Oh why not? You’re supposed to be on top of these things.” She snuck a side glance at Mitchell, who looked sly indeed. “We’re...not going to run into any hormonal teenagers up here, are we?”
“Oh no, it’s too early for that-they don’t show up until at least 2100 hours.”
“Please tell me you don’t actually know that.”
“Maybe.” Cameron leaned toward her grinning. He had shut off the car engine. “Then again, maybe I just thought I’d beat the crowd?”
“Oh, well that would be very-ah-strategic, of you.” Grace managed, unable to tear herself away from intense gaze and ever-leaning form.
“I’m like that.” Mitchell said, one hand moving stealthily along the back of the seat around her shoulders, the knuckles of his other skimming along her arm and up her shoulder. She tried to repress a shiver and failed. Cameron’s eyes sparkled as he caught it.
“Is this something they teach you in the Air force?” Grace asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
“Works, huh?” Mitchell raised both eyebrows, grinned and leaned in for a kiss. A million little shocks shot up Grace’s spine and she found her hands in Cameron’s hair quite of their own accord. Despite various experiences and the added bonus of long-building anticipation, Grace had to admit Cameron wasn’t good, he was very good. Her fingers curled around his neck, gently massaging and Mitchell mumbled something happy and incoherent against her lips and leaned her back against the door. A few breathless moments later and they froze in mid-kiss as they felt a click and then without warning Grace’s seat back collapsed flat and they tumbled right into the back seat.
“Oh...Sarah would DIE if she heard about this!” Grace laughed helplessly, all pretense of romance having flown out of the window.
“You’re going to tell her, aren’t you?” Cameron asked, propped up on one elbow with a woebegone expression on his face.
“’s kinda how it works between best friends, isn’t it?” Grace said, not in the least apologetic. Cameron sighed dramatically. “ I’m doomed to certain embarrassment! We could always not tell them.”
“Right! Like even you can keep a story like this in-please!”
“You make a very good point. Now, I believe you were saying something before we were so rudely interrupted?” Mitchell leaned over her all bright eyes and wicked grin.
“Was I? I don’t remember.” Grace attempted innocence.
“Yes, something along the lines of...this...” Cameron trailed off and closed the distance between them.

A Trip, A Slip, and A Pole

By Grace:

“Here you go"- Sarah sat down the steaming cup of green tea in front of Grace's computer screen careful not to block the webcam as Grace fielded another conference call to the producer of the Deaf East company. With the newest production of the musical written by Marlee Matlin premiering in two months, people were anxious about every detail. Grace wanted to check in with the company every week before flying out that weekend for general oversight. Starting the company was a labor of love, and now five years later she was busy making the next labor go smoothly. Sarah had torn herself away from her movie sets long enough to actually survey the property when Grace had to open a show. By the time the theatre manager prepped to take over the timing was perfect. Grace got a necessary hiatus while working part-time and indulging in fantasies like the ones Sarah had been elaborating on lately. It all started one morning at the butt-crack of dawn with two gents strolling into the shop and then strolling past the lobby into their day dreams, plain old night dreams, and occasionally in the creamy filling betwixt the two.
"Thanks-" she said while bringing the cup up for a sip followed by a post swallow "-almost done-"
15 minutes later Grace walked out of the kitchen/office which was the previous dining room used by the fire department, that is - assuming what they did could be called dining. As she joined Sarah in the lobby, she immediately was blinded by the reflection of sunlight blazing through the window - moving aside it was the unmistakable khaki jeep/hummer of Cameron Mitchell. Quickly scanning the room, she spotted Sarah leaning over to hand Daniel his cup while telling him about how much she has enjoyed reading the book on Egyptian culture over which she had been pouring for the last two weeks.
"-I guess I would have never assumed the meaning of that custom could be interpreted like...that-"Daniels eyes stared at the cup a second and he acquiesced- "I was surprised too-" then meeting her gaze- "I suppose the woman's lib movement would have disagreed-" his smirk garnered an equally tilted smile from Sarah who made a tsk sound as she remembered-
"Oh- I forgot the blueberry scone you wanted-" turning from the counter she walked toward Grace and after they made eye contact rose her gaze heavenward for a moment and mouthed "thank you!" Grace grabbed two of the sweetener trays - one balanced in each hand and proceeded to walk out toward the quaint maze of tables and chairs. Popping out of the hallway, Mitchell was walking from the bathroom with the look on his face as if he was missing something lost - an expression that tangibly faded after spotting Grace bearing down the hallway. Three minutes later sans trays Mitchell had Grace's arm over his shoulder as he led her to the nearby retro-printed loveseat.
"I really am fine-" she was obviously limping, but what was most embarrassing was the hotness flushing her face. Sarah and Daniel had rushed over- and disappeared again into the kitchen for something to clean up the mess and some ice. Once they made it into the kitchen she grabbed a tray and towel - handed it to Daniel and went to work making a bag of ice from the freezer tray. Daniel stood patiently by watching her at first as though he were waiting to go out alone, in only seconds his demeanor somehow shifted and it felt as though he were happy to be alone with her at last. She felt his eyes lingering on her a bit and she turned to see him pushing up his glasses absentmindedly while examining the mural on the ceiling. While he didn't seem that kind of guy, he was no doubt male and you never could know when an ugly masculine trait might pop up. She zipped the bag while taking a step, her hands dripping on the cement floor had made a small puddle- just small enough to slip-

Falling face forward left just enough room for her shoulders to catch Daniels forearms and he was lucky enough to latch his left elbow under her right shoulder. While this did provide the fortunate action of saving her nose and other bones from breaking, it left her in an awkward position with her left hand clinging to his right pant leg putting her eye-level with his *ahem* nether regions. Losing composure was not something she expected Daniel to do first and he calmly delivered- instead of letting go of her altogether he cleared his throat and reached his other arm up and under her shoulder pulling her eye-level. Eye contact with him was impossible- and she stared intently at his dog tags and began a laugh which soon took possession of any attempt at poise. The exertion made her topple over onto her thigh, and even though it was painful she couldn't stop laughing- more interesting was Daniel crouching in front of her bewildered with the tray and towel over his knee- looking like a confused waiter who had happened upon the one drunk girl at the fancy dinner party. He wasn't laughing, but his broad smile was enough to make her face flush and laughing subside. He stood confidently and offered his hand and Sarah smoothly attempted to rise, succeeded, and gathered up the bag of ice - she found herself speechless, but a solitary giggle - audacious when heard alone- split the silence as it escaped from her lips and finally Daniel laughed.
The sound of laughing from the kitchen would have been audible from the lobby, however the newest CD playing since the shop opened- Norah Jones crooned atop the din. Mitchell pulled over a chair and helped Grace set her foot on it-
"No jokes about me being 'graceful'- ok?" she said half-joking and half-serious finally able to meet his eyes.
"Now, would I say anything?-" Cameron's sarcasm made them both smile and he suddenly had a sparkle in his eye- "I have an idea, something that will definitely cheer you up-" he leaned in to whisper the idea. Suddenly a robust laugh soared across the lobby
"I KNEW it, I knew you would be that kind of guy as soon as I saw you walk in here! Honestly, I knew I should have made that bet with Sarah!"
"You almost bet about it?!" He was more amused than shocked - "Well baby, you definitely should-a bet on me!" They smiled. "So- where is it?"
"Hmm, I would play hot/cold with you but I think considering my current state I had better just show you- you have to go into the garage-" she attempted to get up and put some weight on the ankle. Mitchell stepped in and supported her with his shoulder and they hobbled together to the door leading to the garage. Swinging it open, Cameron began to whistle long and low as his eyes traveled up the pole.
Back in the lobby Sarah and Daniel were somehow arm in arm when they made their entrance - but the place was empty. She spotted a car pulling up outside, the first employee was just arriving and coming up to the door - Sarah ran to unlock it, secretly hating to relinquish Daniels arm. She greeted their college worker Anna who was pulling off the punk grunge look well bedecked in clothes stapled together and topped with a mop of black and blonde striped hair.
"Hmm, going for a zebra look then? - I like it!" Sarah examined the dye job, she never did get to go to cosmetology school but it didn't matter - she learned hard-knock way and it was an adventure she wouldn't trade for a formal education (even if she could afford it now). Anna leaned over exaggeratedly looking at Daniel up and down and then resumed her vertical posture looking at Sarah- her one pierced eyebrow raised as she whispered-
"Who is the Bogart?" Sarah smiled too big, then got it under control.
"Oh, I'll introduce you-" leading Anna over to where Daniel stood with hands in his pockets- "Daniel this is Anna - Anna- Daniel-" they shook hands awkwardly.
"So- I'd better get started on the brewage- eh?" Anna looked for a way out- Daniel was not even in the same time zone as her type plus she knew Sarah fancied him and was quick to get out of the way.
"Hey did you see Grace out back?" Sarah asked- looking around the corner column past the café stools and high tables.
"Um, no- but I wasn't looking..." Anna was tying her apron and already going into automatic as she resumed the kitchen aid mixer - adding walnuts to the muffin mix and grabbing the date bits from the top shelf.
Out of nowhere a whoop came from behind the garage door, followed by laughter.
"That was Mitchell, tell me he didn't-" Daniel walked toward the door, opened it, and closed it again before Sarah got close- "I just want to say this was not my idea and I'm sorry for Cameron's behavior- he hasn't had his coffee yet-"
"Sarah- you've got to see this! Get in here!" Grace's voice called out and Sarah and Daniel stood in the doorway while Grace watched the empty pole. "Ok Cam- GO!"
Cameron slid down the pole like normal, stopped midway locking his ankles, flipped and slid the rest of the way down upside-down. "Daniel you've gotta try this, its better than a flight simulator!" Mitchell ungracefully crumpled on the ground and jumped up to run upstairs for another try. He was talking the whole way- "We have got to get one of these at the base, we can put it between levels - oh and one in the briefing room too- I feel like a ninja dropping out of the sky- did you see that movie with Keanu Reeves where..." his voice trailed off as he slid down the pole adding sound effects and pulling a pretend gun from behind his back, fighting off some invisible foe.
The three shared a laugh together as he mimicked being shot in slow motion and falling from the pole- especially considering he fell in fast-motion. "Mitchell - its almost 7:45-"
"Good, just enough time for one more-" he tromped up the steps again and slid down spinning around the pole while whistling like some kind of bomb falling- the explosion sound effect hit when his feet hit the floor and he swung around to where Grace was sitting- "See- I know how to cheer a girl up- leave it to me- oh, don't get up on my account- lets hit it Jackson!" he turned to go and as soon as Sarah and Daniel were heading out the door he swiveled and kissed Grace on the cheek "its been fun."
Daniel walked with Sarah and Mitchell to the door, got out the keys and Cameron playfully grabbed them from his hand- "I'm driving!" and ran out to the Jeep.
"Thanks again for everything-" Sarah said- still holding the bag of ice in her hand "Oh, and I'll be sure to have your book next time, sorry I didn't finish it yet." Sarah was looking down and Daniel leaned in toward her forehead placing a kiss there. She jerked her head up so fast her hair almost caught his glasses- "what was that for?" "Lets just say that sometimes you wait too long... for the right timing, and then you decide to make your own." With a smile he turned and walked out the door, picking up the coffee tray off of a nearby table. When the Jeep had rounded the street corner Sarah ran full tilt into the garage almost slamming the door into Grace- and they both exclaimed "GUESS WHAT!?"

Encounters of the Unexpected Kind

By Sarah

Grace and Sarah opened the shop the next morning, both secretly hoping to see their new mystery guys from the day before, but that crucial waning period between six a.m. open and the seven-thirty morning rush passed by without incident. Sarah was wrist deep in biscotti dough when Grace wandered her way to the open back baking counter where they could both chat and get a full view of the shop.
“Coffee?” Grace asked, lifting up a hand-painted round mug that was solely reserved for her best friend.
“Well-yes, thank you but-“ Sarah lifted doughy fingers.
“I’ll just put it here, shall I?” Grace grinned and carefully set the cup on the shelf ledge.
“Well, that was quite a rush,” Sarah commented idly as she finished shaping the fresh-ground hazelnut and mocha rolls of dough for their first baking and set them on trays.
“Tell me about it! Did you see that one guy in the suit!”
“The one with that putrid green tie?” Sarah confirmed.
“YES! Argh! The nerve-It’s amazing how rude people are, I don’t care what time it is in the morning.”
“I know, really-you wonder how he ever managed to get out of bed and drive here in that state. I certainly hope he’s not married!” Sarah yelled over the running water.
“No kidding, I wouldn’t put up with that.” Grace agreed, tossing her a towel to dry her clean hands.
“Yes, I promise to honor and obey and put up with your grouchy idiocy, uninformed bigotry, and narrow-minded lack of creativity for as long as we both shall live.” Sarah joked, picking up the large mug.
“Maybe she didn’t plan on him living long.” Grace pointed out, a smirk hidden by her own sip of coffee.
“Oh¼” Sarah’s eyelashes fluttered close and she made an almost indecent sound as she savored the drink. “I so needed that.”
“You usually do.” Grace teased, and Sarah shot a mock glare at her over the steaming hot Breve, her drink of choice.
“Mmmhm, blackberry.”
“I thought you might enjoy that, considering yesterday.”
“AH! You make a very good point.” The two girls shared a smile. Sarah took an another sip and followed it up with a melancholy smile.
“Oh nothing, I was just hoping¼”
“That we’d have two return visitors?” Grace smirked.
“Yes...” It was something between a whine and a sigh.
“Yeah, I know. Me too.” Grace admitted and they grinned at each other again.
“Daniel it’s such¼nice name.” Sarah started, not needing to start on one of their many ubiquitous inside jokes.
“Cameron’s not bad either.” Grace pondered, as the bell jangled over the front door.
“A—and back to real life.” Sarah sighed yet once again and led the way back out front.
The girls came around front to find two young women around their own age standing at the counter of an otherwise empty shop. The blonde, with bright blue eyes and an engaging smile was gesturing expressively around her to the leggier brunette with her hair in pigtails reminiscent of Sarah’s hairstyle the day before.
“Hey, Good morning, what can I get you?” Sarah asked as she strolled up, Grace on her heels.
“Morning!” The blonde said, obviously a morning person, “I’m Sam and this is Vala, this is a great place you’ve got here!” She said indicating the pig-tailed brunette who was wandering around the shop with much curiosity.
“Thanks!” Grace enthused, “It used to be the old firehouse you know? It’d been sitting vacant for a couple decades after the department moved across town.”
“Really?” Sam asked with interest, her intelligent eyes roving across the structure for architectural evidence.
“Yup,” Grace continued, “We bought up the bakery next door and took out the adjoining wall and did a whole LOT of cleaning, and well here we are.”
“How long have you guys been here?” Sam asked.
“Oh, about, what? A year?” Sarah looked to Grace for confirmation.
“Yeah, a little longer than that-it took us a while to get the thing up and running.”
“I bet.” Sam smiled and paused in her next sentence as Vala tugged on her sleeve in the manner of curious children everywhere.
“What’s a Americano?” She whispered sotte voce. “I was under the impression that it was an slang term for Americans used by the people of Latin countries-not a¼beverage?”
“You’ve been hanging out with Mitchell and Daniel too much.” Sam laughed. Now behind the counter, Sarah and Grace simeloutaneously kicked each other in the ankle in recognition of the familiar names. Was it even remotely possible that these two women knew the extremely enticing gentlemen from yesterday?
“Actually, it’s espresso topped with water.” Sarah explained
“Espresso?” Vala still looked slightly confused.
“Vala’s never been in a coffeehouse,” Sam explained. Two of our friends came in here yesterday and were talking about it at work, so we figured we’d stop in on our way to work today.”
“Yeah, they said it was a place-“ This time both Grace and Sam surreptitiously kicked their friend’s ankles. “that was really interesting.” Vala changed tact blatantly.
“Oh really?” Sarah asked, wondering if however much subltely wasn’t her strong point, she could get by asking without looking too desperate.
“They didn’t happen to be two gentleman similarly garbed as yourself, complete with their own comedy routine?” She waved at the girls’ BDU’s¼Sam at least, seemed military, either that, or the Army-Surplus was doing rousing business.
“Look like they possibly came from the same basic gene pool?” Vala asked peering through the nearby window case at the various baked goods.” Grace snickered and Sarah tried not to snort coffee out her nose.
“Vala!” Sam admonished.
“Well, Daniel does wear glasses.” Vala ammedned.
“Yup, sounds about right.” Grace gave Sarah yet another look, one which Sam caught and smiled at the two with a slightly puzzled expression-trying to figure out what she was missing.
“So Vala-new to the coffee experience are we?” Sarah covered, noticing Sam’s strange look. “Game for trying a few things?”
“Are they free?”
“I like how this one thinks.” Grace grinned.
“Oh trust me, it gets old once in a while.” Sam frowned good naturedly.
“Well, pull up a couple of chairs and we’ll start you out easy, huh?” Sarah said, turning towards the espresso grinder.
“Oh no, give me the strongest stuff you’ve got!” Vala argued.
“Are you sure?” Sam and Grace said together, their dubious looks having no effect what-so-ever on Vala.
“Yup, set me up Sparky!” Vala tilted back on two chair legs and put her feet on an aptly named “coffee table.”
“Now I know you know Cameron Mitchell.” Grace said. “So, do you guys work with them up at the mountain?” While Sarah started brewing a shot of espresso (to Vala’s great interest-she jumped up from her perch and ran around the counter to watch the whole process) Sam briefly and diplomatically explained her job of “deep-space telemetry” up at Cheyenne Mountain to Grace.
“Here you go.” Sarah handed the miniature ceramic mug of espresso to Vala who sniffed curiously at the strong smell. Grace and Sam stopped chatting and looked on in interest.
“So, what, do I like¼chug it or something?” Vala asked.
“Ummm, well I guess you could-“ Sarah looked doubtful. “It’s a bit hot for that.”
“Okay-“ There was a brief pause as the other three watched her reaction. Vala’s doe eyes widened even more for a moment and then upon swallowing her nose crinkled and her face scrunched inwards.
“Whoa! That was fun.” She paused a moment. “Do you have anything with more sugar?” Sarah grinned wide.
“Now you’re talking my language!” She bent down to pull out a couple of canisters and a thing of whipped cream.
“So you met Daniel and Cameron yesterday?” Sam started out innocently, a seed of thought breeding in her mind.
“Yup, they came in practically before we opened up.” Grace said as Sarah started whipping up something with caramel and foamed milk.
“Really? Sam tried to think how to approach the subject without being embarrassing or blatantly insulting¼after all, IF these two girls where in fact the girls that guys had gone on so long about the day before, then things were about to get just a tad bit more interesting. After all, Sam (though she’d never admit it) was a bit of closet matchmaker. She’d thought that perhaps Daniel and Vala had something going after all those long and tumultuous years after Sha’re’s death. But that had gone from challenge to comfortable friendship in Vala’s department and Daniel was back to square one on the romance board; and Sam thought, Mitchell could benefit from a broadside in the romance department as well.
But because she was also “big sister” as well, Sam felt obligated to everything short of a background check (unless that eventually became necessary...) On anyone who might express an interest in “her guys.” Jack would no doubt approve of her mild paranoia. In fact, she could probably talk him into using his high-ranking general status to do a little check-up...Hmm...
“Yeah, they’re a real riot.” Grace replied, wondering where this was going.
“Yeah, I’ve known them for years,” Sam said off-handedly, in the casual manner of one woman telling the other to tread carefully.
“Oh?” Grace was eager to learn more, despite the non-verbal communication.
“Yeah, actually Cameron and I met in flight school, and we’ve worked together several times in the past before he came to Colorado. And Daniel, well, he’s practically family.”
“ you’re used to the antics we saw yesterday?” Grace asked.
“Pretty much-“ Sam found herself warming up to the friendly young woman, regardless and realized, that despite the juvenile behavior of her guys yesterday, that didn’t mean that the girls in question were floozies. It seemed quite the opposite, actually, as Grace elaborated on how she and Sarah had met in college, some of their other friends, and running the business-which despite its bohemian appeal, was run like a tight ship. While Sam and Vala were there, several other customers stopped in-many whom Sarah and Grace knew by name and coffee preference, and managed to serve everyone in an efficient and yet completely relaxed manner-all the while, Sarah piled Vala with various drink samples.
“Ooh, this is good, but I don’t like it as much as the one with the foamy stuff on top.” Vala held up a small cup of the house coffee, a bright clean blend infused with the bitter peels of Sevilla oranges.
“The Cappuccino?” Sarah asked pointing to the mixture of espresso and extra foamy steamed milk. “Yeah, my secret is adding a bit of caramel-I think it adds to it. A lot of places will make you a cheap-ass Cappuccino, with like, sugar free vanilla.” She made a face.
“Cheap-ass?’ Vala tried out the word, no doubt she’d heard it plenty on the base, usually in reference to accommodations or supplies.
‘Yup.’ Sarah answered, amused, Vala reminded her of someone, she just wasn’t yet sure who.
“So...what did you think of your two gentlemen customers yesterday?"
"Gentlemen custo-oh you mean Daniel and Cameron?” Sarah asked.
“The very ones.”
“They’re a lot of fun.” Sarah said diplomatically, red flags going up in respect to spilling any possible beans to Vala. “They seem like really nice guys.”
“Those two? Please, they’re a handful of trouble and you’d probably be better off with limited exposure, but they seemed fond enough of you two.” Vala said glibly and took a hearty gulp of espresso and chocolate. She seemed to settle on the strong brew straight up, just with plenty of sugar.
“Er-really?” Sarah asked, surprised. Friendly flirting was one thing but the last thing she was expecting was an actual interest-she tended to be a bit silly that way.
“YUP. Spent the whole afternoon talking about you two.”
“They DID?”
“Yup-that’s how I heard about this whole coffeehouse business-Samantha had to convince me that it wasn’t just a place to meet women.”
“Er-ah, yes, that’s a good thing-cause usually that’s not the case.” Sarah managed, not sure whether she was stunned, or to just laugh.
“Hey we really should get going.” Sam came over to them. “We probably should try not to miss the briefing.”
“Oh” Vala said “I thought you said miss the briefing.”
“Sadly, no.”
“What, Daniel lecturing again?” Grace asked.
“Sadly no,” Vala echoed her team member, “At least Daniel occasionally mentions something interesting-like treasure.” Sam shot her a friendly warning look and Vala made an “Oops!” face.
“Treasure eh? And what’s today’s topic?” Grace asked.
“Budget Meeting.” Sam looked less than thrilled. “We’re going to be briefed on how we might use less of the government’s precious resources.
“Does this employ the use of government issue toilet seats and mass produced fichus trees?” Sarah asked.
“It’s very possible. Hey, thanks for the free coffee, and it was great to meet you. We’ll have to stop in again sometime.” Sam smiled at the two.
“Hey, you don’t happen to be open at hours other than the crack of dawn, do you?” Vala asked in curiosity.
“Yeah, actually,” Grace said, “we usually open cause it’s rare to find college help that’s dependable enough to get here before noon.”
“Not surprising. Thanks again-see you!” Sam politely made their excuses and backed out the door with a wave. The girls heard the two continue as they walked to the car,
“What exactly is a fichus?”
“It’s a tree-a plant, usually in a pot-sometimes fake.”
“And these are considered acceptable decoration?”
“By some people.”

Lectures and Lisasons

By Sarah

“And so we can assume, from the inscriptions on this tablet, shown here, that the Ancients knew of the Gaou’lds long before they were considered a threat to the...galaxy in general.” Dr. Daniel Jackson waited expectantly for this particular nugget of hard-won information to soak into the brains of his audience. Lt. Col.Dr. Samantha Carter Ph.D. Astrophysics, and other related “waaay smarter than you” stuff, of course, got it right away. For the rest of Sg-1, past and present, it took a few moments. And let’s not even go into how Jack was yawning ostensibly at the other end of the table. For the first time, Daniel had wished he hadn’t bothered to come from D.C. just to hear this lecture. Well, he knew that his lecture wasn’t the only reason Jack was in town. (A certain blonde-haired super-scientist had a little to do with it.). And if Daniel had to admit, it was nice to see his best friend again, even if he was a pain in the ass.

Sometime Later:
“Oh please! It wasn’t that long!” Daniel protested to Mitchell as they left the briefing.
“I needed my whole cup of coffee, and then some.” Cameron retorted.
“Well-but.” Daniel sputtered for a response.
“Speaking of coffee, you know those two girls at the coffee shop this morning?” Mitchell ignored Daniel.
“What about them?” Daniel took a sip of the dregs of his Breve (he’d not had time to finish it before the lecture)
“Yes Danny-boy, what about girls?” Jack asked, coming alongside the two men, his classic “snarky Colonel” grin of yore plastered all over his face.
“Cameron was ogling the coffee shop girl this morning.” Daniel said blandly.
“And this is news how?” Jack looked disappointed. “I thought you had something good for me, Colonel.” He looked at Mitchell.
“I dunno, Dr. Jackson seemed to doing some looking of his own.”
“Do tell!” Jack stopped and turned towards Daniel, effectively blocking his escape route into Sam’s lab.
“That’s called friendly conversation, Mitchell. You should try it sometime.” Daniel said.
“Does that come before or after the make-out session in the backseat?” Mitchell asked. Daniel rolled his eyes.
“So Sparky,” Jack looked towards Cameron, “since the space monkey is being less than forth coming, why don’t you brief me on this latest development in Mission: Get Daniel Jackson A Social Life.
“Well Sir,” Cameron assumed a proper stance. “Dr. Jackson was seen exchanging friendly conversation” he looked significantly at Daniel “at approximately 0700 hours on the corner of Mahogany and Elder wine inside a location code: Coffeehouse with a young female barista (Daniel looked surprised Mitchell knew the proper term for someone who specializes in making coffee drinks) of uncertain ethnic origin, approximately twenty-something years in age.”
“Physical description of said female?” Jack barked.
“5’7, dark hair and eyes, hot in an artsy sort of way sir.”
“I see, solider. And am I to understand she was in the company of another unknown?”
“Yes SIR!” Mitchell could have lifted off he was saluting so straight. “6’4, light eyes, brown hair, extremely hot sir.”
“You guys are worse than women.” Sam said from inside her lab. The three guys turned sheepishly. The hallway had been empty, and they’d thought Sam’s lab as well.
“You know the whole base can hear you, right?”
“What?” Daniel yelped, turning several shades of red.
“Relax, Jackson-she’s just messing with ya-they’d have to get the tapes from security and play them back first.”
“I’m just saying, Sam ducked back under another bewildering piece of technology, “that conceivably the whole base could hear your conversation.” The guys made faces at her between the machinery.
“I’m here!” Vala announced, bounding into the room with the air that “now the party can start.”
“Oh, good?” Daniel ventured, backing away from her as though she might explode, or at the least, possibly damage his person.
“Yes, it is! So, what are we doing?” She wanted to know and leaned over the particle beam generator that Sam was fixing.
“I’m fixing it.” Sam said, knowing that if she even bothered to explain it wouldn’t so much go over Vala’s head as she would tune out after a couple sentences if the explanation didn’t involve something fun-like treasure. At Sam’s work table, the guys of SG-1, minus Teal’c (he’d been off-base to visit his son (newlywed marital problems, apparently) were standing around fiddling with things (Daniel excepted, he knew better) and still discussing the morning at the coffeehouse.
“So what exactly is this “coffeehouse” place?” Vala asked aside to Sam, as they both watched Jack try not to break an extremely sensitive and extremely expensive piece of equipment he didn’t know how to pronounce. “A place to drink coffee and meet women? Like a Bar?”
“Well-not exactly,” Sam was amused that it hadn’t taken Vala long to grasp the meaning of the English word “bar” (Or the guys to take her to one, for that matter.)
“The first part is more or less accurate” Sam explained, “depending on what you consider coffee,” Vala looked confused, so Sam quickly moved on, figuring she’d leave the intricacies of coffee to someone like Daniel, “although I can see why might get that impression.” She glanced at the three men who were laughing over-well she didn’t really think she needed to know.
“Ah-come on, you know you enjoyed it - ” Cameron mocked to Daniel’s back.
“Actually,” Daniel said coming over to join them and thereby yet another one of Cameron’s jibes, “While coffeehouses are often frequented by people who are looking for a good cup of “Joe” (explanation of Joe here) it’s really the atmosphere the frequent visitors are looking for.”
“And what kind of atmosphere is that? Scantily clad earth women carrying large mugs of steaming drink close to their heaving bosoms?” Daniel looked alternately confused and aghast at Vala while Sam tried unsuccessfully not to laugh.
“Er-NO. Apparently someone” he glared at Cameron, “has been confusing you with descriptions of other available and somewhat degrading establishments available on this planet.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean Peep houses, I know what those are-they have them off-world too, you know.” Vala said in an all too familiar and chipper tone. Daniel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while Sam and Jack shot fond looks overhead. Finally, someone else to torture our Danny while I’m away. Jack’s seemed to say.
“No-I, ANYWAYS, with a coffeehouse he stressed the word, it’s all about ambience, it needs to be a bohemian sort of place, typically a haven for writers, poets, musicians, artists, and other creative types. It can, or not, be against the majority ideal of government or “against the government” itself. Often filled with art considered by the populace to “out-there” or “kitschy.” Basically they’re places to go when you need to just get away from everything and spend some time a lone, or-with friends.” Daniel finally dropped out of lecture mode and finished.
“Well according to my friend Cameron here, you certainly found some friends.” Vala could make tying your shoes sound suggestive.
“Ah, give Danny a break,” Jack broke in, “It’s not like he’s got a life or anything.”
“Ja-ack!” Daniel gave his traditional space-monkey whine. “I have a life, it’s called study of ancient and foreign cultures, meeting new peoples, saving the galaxy?”
“Okay, he has no social life.” Jack amended, slapping his best friend on the back. Daniel just rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Come on, let’s get some lunch, huh Point Dexter?” Jack said and made for the door, “Better hurry up Carter, or I’ll eat all that blue J-ello you like.”
“Sure you will, sir.” Sam replied deadpan. “I’ll meet you guys there.” She was surprised to see Vala lingering, almost thoughtfully by her side.
“It’s really just one of those things you have to experience.” Sam said about their earlier conversation.
“Yeah?” Vala said almost wistfully. Truth be told she didn’t really get out as much as it seemed. For one thing, Gen. Landry was a little hesitant to let a personality the size of Vala loose on (mostly) innocent little Colorado Springs. He wasn’t sure the city would ever recover-at least, he’d been worried every time she went off base. And unbeknownst to pretty much everyone but Sam (and occasionally Daniel) Vala actually spent a lot of time on base studying. Ever since her supposed “shrink exam” she’d undergone to join SG-1, Vala had got it into her that she had to ensure her place on the team. When presented with something she wanted that badly she was nearly insatiable in her quest for knowledge. It had really surprised and impressed Sam. In all that time, as much as Vala put on a good and peppy face, Sam had discovered that while Vala had definitely made the guy’s locker room talk-she hadn’t really made any friends outside of SG-1.
“You know what? Why don’t we stop by this place Daniel and Cameron are so crazy about tomorrow morning on the way to work? We don’t have a briefing ‘till 1000 hours.” Sam offered. “Then we can both find out what all the fuss is about.”
“Really?” Vala grasped the other woman’s olive branch eagerly.
“Yeah, sure, why not?”
“What time are you going to pick me up?”
“Oh-ummm,” Sam had forgotten she’d have to go back to the base to get Vala and then back again for work. “How does six-thirty sound?”
“Horrid! No, six-thirty sounds great. See you then!” Vala hopped off the top of the table and headed out the door only to pop her head back in a few minutes later. “Thanks, umm, for-“
“I know-and you’re welcome.” Sam offered her megawatt smile.
“Okay-six-thirty!” Vala called back as she skipped merrily to the commissary. It occurred to Sam that perhaps filling someone like Vala with caffeine wasn’t the most prudent of ventures.

“So, taking on charity cases now, are we?” Jack commented idly, leaning in Sam doorframe. She still hadn’t made it to lunch and Jack had excused himself from lunch early on the pretense of checking up early on her.
“Oh no sir, I started doing that a long time ago.” Sam let a small smirk lift the corner of her mouth.
“Oh really?” Jack pushed off the doorframe with his back foot, pulling the door shut behind him. It was 1500 hours on the nose. “Do tell.” Sam looked down as a timer beeped from her laptop.
“ Well¼there was this one smart-ass Commanding Officer in the beginning of my career who just couldn’t seem to inter-act on a social level like a decent human being.” Sam began, closing the distance between them.
“Yeah? And how’d that turn out?” O’Neill hovered over his wife, all the more stunning with wayward hair and grease-spots.
“Oh, I think it came out alright.” Sam smiled against his shirt and lifted her lips for a kiss.
“How long did you say the cameras would be re-routed again?” Jack asked after a moment.
“Twenty-three minutes and forty seconds.” Sam said a bit breathlessly.
“Oh. Plenty of time then.” Jack muttered cheerfully against the waist of her BDU’s.