Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Out of Element...

By Sarah

Several weeks later:

“Sam, are you sure this is a good idea?” Daniel asked, all concern, “After all, you could have just had someone on the base check-it out?”
“No, I don’t think so Daniel-besides Dr. Lam isn’t there, and even if she was, I’m just not comfortable with news like this getting around-if there’s news, that is.”
“Aw come on Sam-Dr. Lam can’t breach patient-doctor confidentiality-well unless it’s a matter of national security.” Cameron said, flipping through a copy of “Woman’s Day.”
“No, but-have you seen that woman-she-just looks like she might hold it over me in case I contract a disease she doesn’t like.” Cameron snorted and turned a page.
“If Dr. Lam becomes uncooperative, I will speak with her.” Teal’c said solemnly behind his copy of Cosmopolitan.
“Er-thanks T, but I don’t think we should worry about it.” Sam looked positively alarmed at the thought of Teal’c having “talk” with 5 foot one Dr. Lam.
“Are you sure, I mean, maybe we should have let you just…” Cam trailed off as he watched another patient stagger woozily out of Dr. Kerrigan’s office.
“You’re the one who insisted we all come in the first place!” Daniel said pointedly.
“Sam’s under my command, I would be worried about anyone under my command who suddenly started displaying violent symptoms while under my command!”
“They weren’t that violent…” Sam said in a small voice.
“Oh no, I think I’d consider projectile vomiting pretty severe.” Daniel chimed in.
“You’re just mad because I ruined your shoes.”
“Well yes, but no. The fact is, we’re concerned about you-and want to make sure everything is-what you think it is.”
“Oh trust me, I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
“Are you sure?” Daniel asked again, “I mean are-the-ah” he motioned futilely for the appropriate word.
“Ahh-ah! Stop right there Jackson-We don’t need to know what the Colonel and…does in her spare time.”
“Like I’d tell you!”
“This matter is somewhat unclear to me, Samantha, why did you not ask Vala to accompany you in lieu of your husband? I was under the impression that this matter was normally kept between women.”
“Well yes-but, umm, not to be unkind, but there are some things I’d rather have my old-trusted friends on-not that I don’t trust Vala, I mean, well I don’t know if I should trust Vala, but-can you see her here?” The three guys contemplated the thought of Vala in the doctor’s office for the past forty minutes-it wasn’t pretty. “You guys did all have to come with me-“
“Samantha O’Neill?” A petite nurse in blue scrubs that reminded Sg-1 just the littlest bit of Janet Frasier appeared at the door.
“but I really appreciate it.”
“Good luck.” Cameron said. Teal’c nodded, and Daniel smiled reassuringly at her, “Hey at least you’re not on Abydos, I’m sure everything will be fine.”
“Back in a few.” Sam followed the waiting nurse through the door, leaving the guys alone with their “girly magazines.” A few moments passed in silence.
“So-do you think she is?” Cameron couldn’t hold back.
“It is, technically, possible.” Teal’c’s expression was unreadable.
“Well, I know technically, but…”
“Ah! I don’t want to even think about that!”
“Aw, come on Daniel, you mean to tell me you were on Sg-1 all those years and it never crossed your mind what could be going on a tent away?”
“AH! No! Besides they’d never break regulations.”
“You’ve got me there, that’s true-The General is too above board to compromise her, they both are.”
“Besides, I don’t even want to think about two of my best friends…ah!” Daniel made another face and Cameron chuckled. More silence. Some time later, the door finally opened to the waiting room and a young, blonde and enthusiastic doctor with “Dr. Heather Kerrigan” written on the tag pinned to her lab coat, a uncharacteristically shy Sam Carter followed her.
“So-umm, who’s the lucky father?” Dr. Kerrigan asked, her hand out.
“Congratulations! That’s great! Wow!” Daniel and Cameron jumped up and nearly smothered a now glowing Sam in hugs. Dr. Kerrigan, still without an answer stood to a side in confusion. The guys stopped at Sam’s cleared throat and turned to face her awkwardly.
“Ah, actually, the Father-my husband, Sam emphasized, “Is out of town on assignment, these are my good friends, they ah, offered to drive me over-for moral support.”
“You and General O’Neill will have beautiful children, indeed.” Teal’c said out of the silence.
“Thank you Teal’c!” Sam beamed at his sincere compliment. She took the packet of information that Dr. Kerrigan handed her on “new motherhood” (because even astrophysicists might have some questions.) and quickly paid the bill, three beaming “Uncles” escorting her out.
“So…when are you going to tell Jack?” Daniel smirked a little.
“Well, I was stumped for something for Christmas…looks like I found my present.”
“I’d say!” Cameron whistled.
“You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Well-Jack might have an apoplectic fit…” Daniel answered.
“He will recover.” Teal’c finished.
“Hey! You know what? We should go out- celebrate! What about O’Malley’s?”
“Oh, uh…we can’t.” Sam said.
“Oh geez! I totally forgot! No alcohol!”
“No actually…you did read that report, right?” Daniel said.
“Oh OH! Right….so what about the coffeehouse?”
“More caffeine…” Sam said sadly, thinking how many fun things she’d have to give up and wondered if chocolate was on that list.
“Actually, I think Sarah and Grace keep some herbal-caffiene free teas in stock.” Daniel spoke up. Mitchell grinned at the back of his head…trust the guy to work in a way to go “visiting” for some “friendly conversation.”
“Speaking of ‘the girls,’” Cameron took full advantage of the situation, “Did you hear they’re throwing some big New Year’s Bash? Grace left a message on my answering machine.”
“Yeah, mine too-I mean Sarah did.” Daniel answered.
“Yeah,” Sam chimed in-“They said maybe they could get Jack there-even without the promise of MEAT.”
“Big talk.” Cameron laughed.

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