Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Trip, A Slip, and A Pole

By Grace:

“Here you go"- Sarah sat down the steaming cup of green tea in front of Grace's computer screen careful not to block the webcam as Grace fielded another conference call to the producer of the Deaf East company. With the newest production of the musical written by Marlee Matlin premiering in two months, people were anxious about every detail. Grace wanted to check in with the company every week before flying out that weekend for general oversight. Starting the company was a labor of love, and now five years later she was busy making the next labor go smoothly. Sarah had torn herself away from her movie sets long enough to actually survey the property when Grace had to open a show. By the time the theatre manager prepped to take over the timing was perfect. Grace got a necessary hiatus while working part-time and indulging in fantasies like the ones Sarah had been elaborating on lately. It all started one morning at the butt-crack of dawn with two gents strolling into the shop and then strolling past the lobby into their day dreams, plain old night dreams, and occasionally in the creamy filling betwixt the two.
"Thanks-" she said while bringing the cup up for a sip followed by a post swallow "-almost done-"
15 minutes later Grace walked out of the kitchen/office which was the previous dining room used by the fire department, that is - assuming what they did could be called dining. As she joined Sarah in the lobby, she immediately was blinded by the reflection of sunlight blazing through the window - moving aside it was the unmistakable khaki jeep/hummer of Cameron Mitchell. Quickly scanning the room, she spotted Sarah leaning over to hand Daniel his cup while telling him about how much she has enjoyed reading the book on Egyptian culture over which she had been pouring for the last two weeks.
"-I guess I would have never assumed the meaning of that custom could be interpreted like...that-"Daniels eyes stared at the cup a second and he acquiesced- "I was surprised too-" then meeting her gaze- "I suppose the woman's lib movement would have disagreed-" his smirk garnered an equally tilted smile from Sarah who made a tsk sound as she remembered-
"Oh- I forgot the blueberry scone you wanted-" turning from the counter she walked toward Grace and after they made eye contact rose her gaze heavenward for a moment and mouthed "thank you!" Grace grabbed two of the sweetener trays - one balanced in each hand and proceeded to walk out toward the quaint maze of tables and chairs. Popping out of the hallway, Mitchell was walking from the bathroom with the look on his face as if he was missing something lost - an expression that tangibly faded after spotting Grace bearing down the hallway. Three minutes later sans trays Mitchell had Grace's arm over his shoulder as he led her to the nearby retro-printed loveseat.
"I really am fine-" she was obviously limping, but what was most embarrassing was the hotness flushing her face. Sarah and Daniel had rushed over- and disappeared again into the kitchen for something to clean up the mess and some ice. Once they made it into the kitchen she grabbed a tray and towel - handed it to Daniel and went to work making a bag of ice from the freezer tray. Daniel stood patiently by watching her at first as though he were waiting to go out alone, in only seconds his demeanor somehow shifted and it felt as though he were happy to be alone with her at last. She felt his eyes lingering on her a bit and she turned to see him pushing up his glasses absentmindedly while examining the mural on the ceiling. While he didn't seem that kind of guy, he was no doubt male and you never could know when an ugly masculine trait might pop up. She zipped the bag while taking a step, her hands dripping on the cement floor had made a small puddle- just small enough to slip-

Falling face forward left just enough room for her shoulders to catch Daniels forearms and he was lucky enough to latch his left elbow under her right shoulder. While this did provide the fortunate action of saving her nose and other bones from breaking, it left her in an awkward position with her left hand clinging to his right pant leg putting her eye-level with his *ahem* nether regions. Losing composure was not something she expected Daniel to do first and he calmly delivered- instead of letting go of her altogether he cleared his throat and reached his other arm up and under her shoulder pulling her eye-level. Eye contact with him was impossible- and she stared intently at his dog tags and began a laugh which soon took possession of any attempt at poise. The exertion made her topple over onto her thigh, and even though it was painful she couldn't stop laughing- more interesting was Daniel crouching in front of her bewildered with the tray and towel over his knee- looking like a confused waiter who had happened upon the one drunk girl at the fancy dinner party. He wasn't laughing, but his broad smile was enough to make her face flush and laughing subside. He stood confidently and offered his hand and Sarah smoothly attempted to rise, succeeded, and gathered up the bag of ice - she found herself speechless, but a solitary giggle - audacious when heard alone- split the silence as it escaped from her lips and finally Daniel laughed.
The sound of laughing from the kitchen would have been audible from the lobby, however the newest CD playing since the shop opened- Norah Jones crooned atop the din. Mitchell pulled over a chair and helped Grace set her foot on it-
"No jokes about me being 'graceful'- ok?" she said half-joking and half-serious finally able to meet his eyes.
"Now, would I say anything?-" Cameron's sarcasm made them both smile and he suddenly had a sparkle in his eye- "I have an idea, something that will definitely cheer you up-" he leaned in to whisper the idea. Suddenly a robust laugh soared across the lobby
"I KNEW it, I knew you would be that kind of guy as soon as I saw you walk in here! Honestly, I knew I should have made that bet with Sarah!"
"You almost bet about it?!" He was more amused than shocked - "Well baby, you definitely should-a bet on me!" They smiled. "So- where is it?"
"Hmm, I would play hot/cold with you but I think considering my current state I had better just show you- you have to go into the garage-" she attempted to get up and put some weight on the ankle. Mitchell stepped in and supported her with his shoulder and they hobbled together to the door leading to the garage. Swinging it open, Cameron began to whistle long and low as his eyes traveled up the pole.
Back in the lobby Sarah and Daniel were somehow arm in arm when they made their entrance - but the place was empty. She spotted a car pulling up outside, the first employee was just arriving and coming up to the door - Sarah ran to unlock it, secretly hating to relinquish Daniels arm. She greeted their college worker Anna who was pulling off the punk grunge look well bedecked in clothes stapled together and topped with a mop of black and blonde striped hair.
"Hmm, going for a zebra look then? - I like it!" Sarah examined the dye job, she never did get to go to cosmetology school but it didn't matter - she learned hard-knock way and it was an adventure she wouldn't trade for a formal education (even if she could afford it now). Anna leaned over exaggeratedly looking at Daniel up and down and then resumed her vertical posture looking at Sarah- her one pierced eyebrow raised as she whispered-
"Who is the Bogart?" Sarah smiled too big, then got it under control.
"Oh, I'll introduce you-" leading Anna over to where Daniel stood with hands in his pockets- "Daniel this is Anna - Anna- Daniel-" they shook hands awkwardly.
"So- I'd better get started on the brewage- eh?" Anna looked for a way out- Daniel was not even in the same time zone as her type plus she knew Sarah fancied him and was quick to get out of the way.
"Hey did you see Grace out back?" Sarah asked- looking around the corner column past the café stools and high tables.
"Um, no- but I wasn't looking..." Anna was tying her apron and already going into automatic as she resumed the kitchen aid mixer - adding walnuts to the muffin mix and grabbing the date bits from the top shelf.
Out of nowhere a whoop came from behind the garage door, followed by laughter.
"That was Mitchell, tell me he didn't-" Daniel walked toward the door, opened it, and closed it again before Sarah got close- "I just want to say this was not my idea and I'm sorry for Cameron's behavior- he hasn't had his coffee yet-"
"Sarah- you've got to see this! Get in here!" Grace's voice called out and Sarah and Daniel stood in the doorway while Grace watched the empty pole. "Ok Cam- GO!"
Cameron slid down the pole like normal, stopped midway locking his ankles, flipped and slid the rest of the way down upside-down. "Daniel you've gotta try this, its better than a flight simulator!" Mitchell ungracefully crumpled on the ground and jumped up to run upstairs for another try. He was talking the whole way- "We have got to get one of these at the base, we can put it between levels - oh and one in the briefing room too- I feel like a ninja dropping out of the sky- did you see that movie with Keanu Reeves where..." his voice trailed off as he slid down the pole adding sound effects and pulling a pretend gun from behind his back, fighting off some invisible foe.
The three shared a laugh together as he mimicked being shot in slow motion and falling from the pole- especially considering he fell in fast-motion. "Mitchell - its almost 7:45-"
"Good, just enough time for one more-" he tromped up the steps again and slid down spinning around the pole while whistling like some kind of bomb falling- the explosion sound effect hit when his feet hit the floor and he swung around to where Grace was sitting- "See- I know how to cheer a girl up- leave it to me- oh, don't get up on my account- lets hit it Jackson!" he turned to go and as soon as Sarah and Daniel were heading out the door he swiveled and kissed Grace on the cheek "its been fun."
Daniel walked with Sarah and Mitchell to the door, got out the keys and Cameron playfully grabbed them from his hand- "I'm driving!" and ran out to the Jeep.
"Thanks again for everything-" Sarah said- still holding the bag of ice in her hand "Oh, and I'll be sure to have your book next time, sorry I didn't finish it yet." Sarah was looking down and Daniel leaned in toward her forehead placing a kiss there. She jerked her head up so fast her hair almost caught his glasses- "what was that for?" "Lets just say that sometimes you wait too long... for the right timing, and then you decide to make your own." With a smile he turned and walked out the door, picking up the coffee tray off of a nearby table. When the Jeep had rounded the street corner Sarah ran full tilt into the garage almost slamming the door into Grace- and they both exclaimed "GUESS WHAT!?"

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